Project Dependencies


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
org.powernukkit powernukkit jar GNU General Public License, Version 3


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-api 5.7.2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-engine 5.7.2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-params 5.7.2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.mockito mockito-inline 3.11.2 jar The MIT License
org.mockito mockito-junit-jupiter 3.11.2 jar The MIT License

Project Transitive Dependencies

The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.


The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type Licenses
com.github.stephenc.jcip jcip-annotations 1.0-1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0 jsr305 3.0.2 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 gson 2.8.6 - jar Apache 2.0 error_prone_annotations 2.3.4 - jar Apache 2.0 failureaccess 1.0.1 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 guava 29.0-jre - jar Apache License, Version 2.0 listenablefuture 9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 j2objc-annotations 1.3 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
com.nimbusds nimbus-jose-jwt 7.9 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-buffer 4.1.52.Final - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-codec 4.1.52.Final - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-common 4.1.52.Final - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-handler 4.1.52.Final - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-resolver 4.1.52.Final - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-transport 4.1.52.Final - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-transport-native-epoll 4.1.52.Final linux-x86_64 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-transport-native-kqueue 4.1.52.Final osx-x86_64 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.netty netty-transport-native-unix-common 4.1.52.Final - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.sentry sentry 4.3.0 - jar MIT
io.sentry sentry-log4j2 4.3.0 - jar MIT jna 4.2.2 - jar LGPL, version 2.1ASL, version 2
net.minecrell terminalconsoleappender 1.1.1 - jar MIT License
net.minidev accessors-smart 1.2 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
net.minidev json-smart 2.3 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
net.sf.jopt-simple jopt-simple 5.0.4 - jar The MIT License
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-api 2.13.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apache.logging.log4j log4j-core 2.13.3 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.checkerframework checker-qual 2.11.1 - jar The MIT License
org.jline jline-reader 3.9.0 - jar The BSD License
org.jline jline-terminal 3.9.0 - jar The BSD License
org.jline jline-terminal-jna 3.9.0 - jar The BSD License
org.ow2.asm asm 5.0.4 - jar BSD
org.powernukkit.bedrock.leveldb bedrock-leveldb 0.11.0-PN - jar Apache License 2.0
org.powernukkit.bedrock.leveldb bedrock-leveldb-api 0.11.0-PN - jar Apache License 2.0 bedrock-network-common 1.6.25-PN.2 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 raknet 1.6.25-PN.2 - jar The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
org.powernukkit.fastutil fastutil-lite 8.1.1 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.yaml snakeyaml 1.26 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0


The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Type Licenses
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy 1.11.3 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
net.bytebuddy byte-buddy-agent 1.11.3 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.apiguardian apiguardian-api 1.1.0 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0
org.junit.platform junit-platform-commons 1.7.2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.junit.platform junit-platform-engine 1.7.2 jar Eclipse Public License v2.0
org.mockito mockito-core 3.11.2 jar The MIT License
org.objenesis objenesis 3.2 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
org.opentest4j opentest4j 1.2.0 jar The Apache License, Version 2.0

Project Dependency Graph

Dependency Tree


GNU General Public License, Version 3: PowerNukkit, Reserved Slots Plugin

Apache 2.0: Gson, error-prone annotations

The BSD License: JLine JNA Terminal, JLine Reader, JLine Terminal

The Apache License, Version 2.0: org.apiguardian:apiguardian-api, org.opentest4j:opentest4j

MIT License: TerminalConsoleAppender

Eclipse Public License v2.0: JUnit Jupiter API, JUnit Jupiter Engine, JUnit Jupiter Params, JUnit Platform Commons, JUnit Platform Engine API


Apache License 2.0: Bedrock Edition LevelDB API, Bedrock Edition LevelDB Implementation

The MIT License: Checker Qual, JOpt Simple, mockito-core, mockito-inline, mockito-junit-jupiter

Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Log4j API, Apache Log4j Core, Byte Buddy (without dependencies), Byte Buddy agent, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, JCIP Annotations under Apache License, Netty/Buffer, Netty/Codec, Netty/Common, Netty/Handler, Netty/Resolver, Netty/Transport, Netty/Transport/Native/Epoll, Netty/Transport/Native/KQueue, Netty/Transport/Native/Unix/Common, Objenesis, SnakeYAML, fastutil-lite

MIT: io.sentry:sentry, io.sentry:sentry-log4j2

ASL, version 2: Java Native Access

LGPL, version 2.1: Java Native Access

The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: ASM based accessors helper used by json-smart, Bedrock Edition Network (Common), FindBugs-jsr305, Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures, Guava ListenableFuture only, J2ObjC Annotations, JSON Small and Fast Parser, Nimbus JOSE+JWT, RakNet Protocol

Dependency File Details

Filename Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
jcip-annotations-1.0-1.jar 4.7 kB 14 4 1 1.5 No
jsr305-3.0.2.jar 19.9 kB 46 35 3 1.5 Yes
gson-2.8.6.jar 240.3 kB 198 181 9 - Yes
error_prone_annotations-2.3.4.jar 13.9 kB 34 22 2 1.7 No
failureaccess-1.0.1.jar 4.6 kB 15 2 1 1.7 Yes
guava-29.0-jre.jar 2.8 MB 2005 1975 18 1.8 Yes
listenablefuture-9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava.jar 2.2 kB 7 0 0 - No
j2objc-annotations-1.3.jar 8.8 kB 23 12 1 1.5 Yes
nimbus-jose-jwt-7.9.jar 338.6 kB 240 216 15 1.7 Yes
netty-buffer-4.1.52.Final.jar 294.2 kB 150 133 2 1.6 Yes
netty-codec-4.1.52.Final.jar 320.3 kB 220 198 10 1.6 Yes
netty-common-4.1.52.Final.jar 637.5 kB 504 472 9 1.6 Yes
netty-handler-4.1.52.Final.jar 461.1 kB 315 288 11 1.6 Yes
netty-resolver-4.1.52.Final.jar 33.2 kB 38 26 1 1.6 Yes
netty-transport-4.1.52.Final.jar 474.2 kB 386 358 12 1.6 Yes
netty-transport-native-epoll-4.1.52.Final-linux-x86_64.jar 152.7 kB 74 59 1 1.6 Yes
netty-transport-native-kqueue-4.1.52.Final-osx-x86_64.jar 110.7 kB 60 45 1 1.6 Yes
netty-transport-native-unix-common-4.1.52.Final.jar 33.2 kB 36 23 1 1.6 Yes
sentry-4.3.0.jar 300.6 kB 224 212 9 1.8 Yes
sentry-log4j2-4.3.0.jar 5.5 kB 7 2 1 1.8 Yes
byte-buddy-1.11.3.jar 3.6 MB 2565 2509 38 - Yes
byte-buddy-agent-1.11.3.jar 251.2 kB 81 63 2 - Yes
jna-4.2.2.jar 1.1 MB 154 107 3 1.6 Yes
terminalconsoleappender-1.1.1.jar 15.2 kB 20 6 2 1.8 Yes
accessors-smart-1.2.jar 30 kB 24 13 2 1.6 Yes
json-smart-2.3.jar 120.3 kB 106 92 5 1.6 Yes
jopt-simple-5.0.4.jar 78.1 kB 71 59 3 1.7 Yes
log4j-api-2.13.3.jar 292.3 kB 214 180 9 - Yes
log4j-core-2.13.3.jar 1.7 MB 1209 1117 51 1.8 Yes
apiguardian-api-1.1.0.jar 2.4 kB 8 3 2 - Yes
checker-qual-2.11.1.jar 201.1 kB 364 306 32 1.8 Yes
jline-reader-3.9.0.jar 140.2 kB 70 56 5 1.8 Yes
jline-terminal-3.9.0.jar 208.4 kB 113 89 4 1.8 Yes
jline-terminal-jna-3.9.0.jar 63 kB 57 38 6 1.8 Yes
junit-jupiter-api-5.7.2.jar 175.6 kB 168 153 8 - Yes
junit-jupiter-engine-5.7.2.jar 212.9 kB 131 114 9 - Yes
junit-jupiter-params-5.7.2.jar 567.3 kB 374 340 22 - Yes
junit-platform-commons-1.7.2.jar 100 kB 63 43 7 - Yes
junit-platform-engine-1.7.2.jar 181.4 kB 141 125 9 - Yes
mockito-core-3.11.2.jar 671.4 kB 664 591 65 1.8 Yes
mockito-inline-3.11.2.jar 1.5 kB 6 0 0 - No
mockito-junit-jupiter-3.11.2.jar 5.4 kB 9 2 1 1.8 Yes
objenesis-3.2.jar 49.4 kB 59 43 10 1.8 Yes
opentest4j-1.2.0.jar 7.7 kB 11 7 2 - Yes
asm-5.0.4.jar 53.3 kB 30 25 2 1.2 No
powernukkit- 3.7 MB 2367 2165 119 1.8 Yes
bedrock-leveldb-0.11.0-PN.jar 231.2 kB 147 133 3 1.8 Yes
bedrock-leveldb-api-0.11.0-PN.jar 10.9 kB 24 14 1 1.8 Yes
bedrock-network-common-1.6.25-PN.2.jar 29.1 kB 35 22 4 1.8 Yes
raknet-1.6.25-PN.2.jar 66.4 kB 42 30 2 1.8 Yes
fastutil-lite-8.1.1.jar 759.2 kB 475 463 7 1.8 Yes
snakeyaml-1.26.jar 309 kB 253 216 20 1.7 Yes
Total Size Entries Classes Packages Java Version Debug Information
52 21.2 MB 14651 13387 563 1.8 47
compile: 39 compile: 15.4 MB compile: 10371 compile: 9394 compile: 388 - compile: 35
test: 13 test: 5.8 MB test: 4280 test: 3993 test: 175 - test: 12